Friday, March 29, 2013

Fantastic Five Feline Friday

Dallas in the garage

Dunkin and his grass


 Joey Boy

Eyes of Love

Sweet little man

Dunkin hiding

Yes, I am hiding from YOU!!!

I is hiding too!!

Dunkin on the new scratcher

It is a big hit!!

Derby in her chair.

Joey in his chair.

Gracie in her window.

I lurv my window....

Dallas again...


Thursday, March 28, 2013

This N' That Thursday

Just a shot of my back yard and my weather vane for you today.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Three Kitteh Tuesday

Two boys and a girl today.....

Grouchy Dunkin

Sweet Gracie

Handsome Joey

Monday, March 25, 2013

Manic Monday

Today is all about the little maniac Gracie.  Sometimes she just goes nuts.....

I spy with my own eye--- something green.

There is a little creature hanging at the end of the felt thing.  She loves to attack it.

I say, Gracie, kill the creature....

Kill the creature...

What creature are you talking about?

The one under your claw.....

Where did it go.....

Looking for the creature....

Is it in here?


Is it hiding behind the pole?


I think it is up there.....

Uppsy Daisy.....

Where is that creature.

Here it is.  

Now I will keel it.

Looking for the elusive creature.

Got it!!!!

Now you are mine!!!!!

I am victorious!!!!!

It is dead!!!

I am the great hunter.....

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fantastic Five Feline Friday

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!

Yea!!  It's almost Caturday!!

Bah Humbug!

I luv the weekends!!

I so need this weekend.  I need to relax!!

Ha!  Always sleeping, that sister of mine!  Why would you need to relax!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This N' That Thursday

It's my favorite time of the year here in Texas - Bluebonnet season!!!  I hope we have a really good year for them!!